• range murata : original doujinshi • |
The following items are doujinshi [independently released books] by Range Murata. The majority of these were sold at yearly conventions such as Comiket and Comitia and cannot be obtained through ordinary book retailers. |
32pp, A4 size
01/01/06, COMIKET 69
Murata strays from the SPHERES streak with synchrotone, a mild release featuring a scattering a sketchwork from numerous projects.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
64pp, A4 size
08/14/05, COMIKET 68
Potentially Murata's final SPHERES release, SPHERES++ includes yet more of the same: pages upon pages of conceptual Last Exile character artwork.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
24pp, A4 size
12/31/04, COMIKET 67
SPHERES Pre ++ is the smallest of all the SPHERES releases thus far. Due to time restraints, Murata was not able to assemble a fully complete book and offered this as a sort of "preview" to the final [?] SPHERES release. This doujinshi differs from the others in that the printing has a blue hue as opposed to the silver tone. Preliminary cover art for the DVD covers is included, as well as a few other random sketches.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
40pp, A4 size, ¥1470
08/15/2004, COMIKET 66
SPHERES+ is the latest Last Exile doujinshi release containing even more character sketches and conceptual artwork for the DVD releases and figures. The content contained within this release was originally intended to be included with the SPHERES 1 and 2 releases, but it was cut due to time restraints. The book opens with a single color illustration of Alister in a bikini. Black and white character sketches include: Dio & Lucciora, Claus, Lavie, Alvis, and some early Alex drawings. Also featured are several key animation sketches incorporated into the series.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
SPHERES: 2nd LASTEXILE Character Filegraphy
84pp, A4 size, ¥2500
12/28/2003, COMIKET 65
SPHERES 2 is a stylish collection of Range Murata's Last Exile character sketchwork.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
SPHERES: 1st LASTEXILE Character Filegraphy
66pp, A4 size, ¥2500
08/17/2003, COMIKET 64
SPHERES 1 is a stylish collection of Range Murata's Last Exile character sketchwork.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
azure: Blue Submarine No. 6 Character Filegraphy
102pp, A4 size, ¥2500
09/01/2001, COMIKET 60
Azure is a collection of character sketchwork and several color illustrations for GONZO's Blue Submarine No. 6 anime. It is packaged in a clear plastic case with a zipper. The binding is held tight with plastic screws.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
Futsutsuka [Third Edition]
72pp, A4 short size, ¥1000
09/01/2000, COMIKET 58
Featuring yet another cover design, the Third Edition of Futsutsuksa is mostly a collage-style doujinshi featuring a wide variety of sketchwork housed in a silver envelope.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
Fault Lines [Private Version]
76pp, A4 size
Fault Lines contains a healthy variety of Murata's sketchwork and product design drawings from 1997 through 2000. The Private version of this doujinshi is housed in an actual white leather portfolio that is closed with a zipper. Also included is a rectangular, clear, non-colored plastic sheet [think pencilboard] with the Pasta's Estab. name and logo.
[Leather portfolio image.] |
Fault Lines
76pp, A4 size, ¥2500
09/01/2000, COMIKET 58
Fault Lines contains a healthy variety of Murata's sketchwork and product design drawings from 1997 through 2000. This unique doujinshi is housed in a leather-esque portfolio that is closed with a zipper. Also included is a rectangular, clear, non-colored plastic sheet [think pencilboard] with the Pasta's Estab. name and logo.
[Portfolio image / entire set image.] |
TEMPAO [Second Edition]
76pp, A4 size, ¥1000
12/30/1998, COMIKET 55
A reprint of the 1994 release, Tempao contains the usual variety of character sketchwork. This edition is housed in a dark yellow paper envelope. |
The Missing Special Remix 1998
76pp, A4 size, ¥2000
08/01/1998, COMIKET 54
The Missing is a collection of brown toned sketches created for Sakusha Shoshitsu magazine and is housed in a protective plastic case with a decorative stationary kit.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
World of Wachenröder
12 poster sheets, A4 size, ¥3800
1998, distributed by: GoFa
This is a GoFa-distributed collection of poster images featuring characters designed by Murata for the Sega Saturn release of Wachenröder.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
Marion and Company Special Remix 1997
52pp, A4 size, ¥1500
01/01/1998, COMIKET 53
Marion and Company is a collection of brown toned sketches produced by Murata for Dragon Magazine, a text-based story magazine. This book comes complete with a red envelope.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
5 poster sheets, B4 size, ¥1500
08/01/1997, COMIKET 52
Concurrence is a collection of five loose color illustrations housed in a simple black envelope.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
Life Like Biew (Aug.1996 Collection)
4 sheets, A4 size, ¥1000
08/01/1996, COMIKET 50
This is a collection of four A4 sized heavy grade color prints housed in a simple yellow folder. The folder is contained in a grayish-silver envelope.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
Racten 1826 Third Edition
68pp, A4 size, ¥1500
This edition of Racten includes an additional eight pages and a reworked cover design. |
Wildfrowers (Wildflowers) [Second Edition]
52pp, A4 size, ¥1500
The Second Edition of Wildfrowers has a slightly different cover design, but the same exact content. |
Wildfrowers (Wildflowers)
52pp, A4 size, ¥1500
09/01/1995, COMIKET 48
This is a fairly typical doujinshi featuring eight color illustrations, eight monotone images, and the usual fare of character sketchwork. |
Futsutsuka [Second Edition]
80pp, A4 short size, ¥1000
01/01/1994, COMIKET 45
This edition of Futsutsuka has a simpler cover design and the same content as the original. |
TEMPAO Reversal Version
70pp, B5 size, ¥1000
01/01/1994, COMIKET 45
Despite featuring the cover of Futsutsuka, this book is indeed the first print of TEMPAO. The initial 1000 copies printed of TEMPAO were mixed up with Futsutsuka and the covers were switched. TEMPAO was meant to be sold alongside the second print of Futsutsuka [Futsutsuka Second Edition], but Murata held on to the misprints and sold them as "TEMPAO Reverse Edition" at COMIKET 45. Normal copies of TEMPAO were sold as well, of course. |
TEMPAO [First Edition]
76pp, B5 size, ¥1000
01/01/1994, COMIKET 45
Tempao contains the usual variety of character sketchwork and is housed in a white envelope with the Pasta's Estab name and logo. |
Futsutsuka [First Edition]
80pp, A4 short size, ¥1000
01/01/1993, COMIKET 43
The first edition of Futsutsuka has illustrated front and back covers, and comes complete with a white envelope [just like that of Racten] bearing the Pasta's Estab name and logo. |
Racten [Second Edition]
60pp, B5 size, ¥1000
01/01/1993, COMIKET 43
Racten contains several monotone illustrations and black and white sketches. This second edition has a slightly different cover coloring. |
Racten [First Edition]
60pp, B5 size, ¥1000
01/01/1992, COMIKET 41
Housed in a white Pasta's Estab envelope, Racten contains several monotone illustrations and black and white sketches and is the first doujinshi release by Murata. The back cover proudly proclaims: "Come, whoever is thirsty: accept the water of life as a gift, whoever want it." |
[calendars] |
PSE Perpetual Calendar
A4 size, ¥3000
Information needed.
2001 Calendar [Private Version]
B6 size
The 2001 calendar includes ten artwork cards, a base support with removable screws, and twelve calendar sheets. The illustrations, along with the monthly sheets can be mounted to the plastic stand with the screws for display. This Private version has a brown toned wrap. |
2001 Calendar
B6 size, ¥2500
01/01/2001, COMIKET 59
The 2001 calendar includes ten artwork cards, a base support with removable screws, and twelve calendar sheets. The illustrations, along with the monthly sheets can be mounted to the plastic stand with the screws for display. |
2000 Calendar
12pp, CD size, ¥2000
01/01/2000, COMIKET 57
This calendar includes six illustration cards and twelve transparent sheets containing monthly calendar information. Like the 1999 calendar, each sheet can be displayed in front of any illustration of the owner's choosing. |
1999 Calendar
20pp, CD size, ¥1500
01/01/1999, COMIKET 55
This calendar includes five illustration cards and twelve transparent sheets containing monthly calendar information. Each sheet can be displayed in front of any illustration of the owner's choosing. |
1997 Calendar (!)
6pp, B4 size, ¥1500
01/01/1996, COMIKET 51
Murata's 1997 calendar release is six pages in total length with at least four full page illustrations. It is housed in a white envelope. |
Deformer Largo 1995 Calendar [First Edition]
60pp, A4 size, ¥1500
01/01/1995, COMIKET 47
This calendar features eight color illustrations, 24 pages of sketchwork, and six pages devoted to the calendar year. The complete package is housed in a simple envelope.
Note: The Second and Third Editions of Deformer Largo were sold on 04/02/1995 and 08/01/1996, respectively. Each edition features slightly different coloring. |
[other, paper goods] |
Pinky:St Postcard Collection
4 postcards, ¥735
2004, distributed by GoFa
This is a four postcard set featuring character artwork modeled after the Pinky:St line of figures. The Pinky:St figures get their name from their unqiue look and size; they are like stylized chibi designs. |
Pasta's Estab. 10th Anniversary Bibliography
Two fliers with vinyl bag, ¥500
Edited by: iori
This set of fliers celebrates the ten year anniversary of Range Murata's doujinshi and the Pasta's Estab. name. The fliers contain pictures and information for every doujinshi released from 1992 to 2002. Considering just how difficult it is to obtain solid information about all of Range Murata's releases, this is an extremely handy item.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
PSE additional card package u.s. limited edition version
10 B6 postcards (7.25" x 5"), approx. $14.99
2001, licensed and distributed in the United States by Fanboy Entertainment
This special set of 10 postcards was licensed by Fanboy Entertainment for release at Anime Central 2001 in Illinois. All of the artwork is from Murata's previous doujinshi releases. The cards are presented in a small paper folder with a special sketch and English message from Murata.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
Two B2 size posters with hard case tube & one strap, ¥1500
Included with this stylish PSE-branded tube are two full color posters and a multipurpose strap.
[Poster one / Poster two / Strap.]
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