PSE additional card package u.s. limited edition version
10 B6 postcards (7.25" x 5"), approx. $14.99
2001, licensed and distributed in the United States by Fanboy Entertainment
By: Range Murata
First published May 1, 2001
Printed by HOPE21 of Osaka, Japan

Details: This special set of 10 postcards was licensed by Fanboy Entertainment for release at Anime Central 2001 in Illinois. All of the artwork is from Murata's previous works and doujinshi releases, such as Marion and Company, The Missing, and an egg story. The cards are presented in a small paper folder with a special sketch and brief [very brief] English message from Murata.
All in all, there's nothing extraordinary about this set. Probably the most outstanding feature is just the fact that a US-based company went through the trouble of obtaining the cards and releasing them here in small numbers. Thumbs up to that. The quality is what you would expect, and the back of the cards are blank.
Folder: front and back.

Interior of folder.