• range murata : professionally published / distributed works •
Presented here is a listing of Range Murata's professionally published art books and goods. These items have been/are sold through normal book outlets and retailers. WANI has printed the majority of Murata's official releases and has also distributed the goods found on this page. [For Murata's independent "fa" goods, please check this page.] |
[books] |
form code: 3rd drawing works collection limited edition 24+20
180 pp, B4, ¥9975
©2006, WANIMAGAZINE Co., Ltd. (official page.)
Murata's third major professional artbook release published by WANI.
Includes: black PVC protective case, black binder, (3?) high quality prints placed in binder, book-in-book (AFTER SERVICE), futuregraph A4 book, futuregraph B5 book, PSE/RM goods and figure photo catalog.
[Buy here or there.] |
96pp, A4 size, ¥2100
©06/03/04, Takarajimasha
rule is a mook-stlye release featuring a look at Murata's design works [clothing, accessories] for his third major exhibit, fa COLLECTION 003. Expect lots of pictures and other sorts of information about his products. The book also includes just a few older Murata illustrations and a look at the work of yoshitoshi ABe, Youki Kanaya, Makoto Kobayashi, and Suzuhito Yasuda.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
re: futurhythm
200pp, A4 size, ¥3900
©2004, WANIMAGAZINE Co., Ltd.
re: futurhythm is the regular, mass-produced edition of futurhythm. It is bound like an ordinary book and housed in a hard plastic sleeve with slightly varying contents from the limited edition version. [For example, the front and back cover images are brand new to this book.] |
fa documenta 001+002 collection catalouge
A4 size, ¥6825
©02/29/04, Tokuma Shoten
fa documenta is a collection of Range Murata's clothing and accessory design works featured at the 001 and 002 exhibits at GoFa. ["fa" = "fashion and anime."] Included within the book are photographs, sketches, and other detailed information concerning the creation of his unique products. |
futurhythm [2nd Drawing Works Limited Edition]
120pp, B4 size, ¥9500
©2003, WANIMAGAZINE Co., Ltd.
futurhythm is Range Murata's second major professional release with a very unique presentation; the book is actually a binder with completely removeable artwork and illustrations printed on heavy stock paper.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
futurhythm Preview
B4 size
©2002, WANIMAGAZINE Co., Ltd.
This small book featuring preview artwork and information about futurhythm was sold exclusively at Comiket 62 in 2002. The book includes four binding holes so that it can be stored in futurhythm. |
0.5 Like a Balance Life [2nd Mix Edition]
Book 1: 40pp, Book 2: 59pp. B5 size, ¥3500
©07/15/2000, WANIMAGAZINE Co., Ltd.
0.5 is a reprint of 1997's Like a Balance Life housed in striking hot pink packaging. This edition is half the size of the original, hence the 0.5 in the title.
[Additional info. / samples.] |
Like a Balance Life
Book 1: 40pp, book 2: 59pp. B4 size, ¥5000
©05/25/1997, WANIMAGAZINE Co., Ltd.
This is Range Murata's first professionally published collection of artwork. The collection includes one set of 40 loosely bound illustrations and an A4 size addendum book with various sketchwork. The set includes a matte board for framing of the illustrations and a decorative box.
[goods] |
1/8th PVC figure, ¥9240
©03/2005, Vice |
PSE Products 001 Skipper
1/12th PVC figure, ¥4410
©04/2005, Vice
A limited release 1/12th scale PVC figure, this model was designed by Murata and produced by Vice. There are two versions: orange and gray. |
PSE Solid Collection ver. 2
Set of 5 toy PVC figures, ¥300 each
©08/22/2005, Vice/Gargoyle
The PSE Solid Collection ver. 2 is similar to ver. 1 in that it consists of five figure types, each with two color variations: normal and ivory.
PSE Solid Collection ver. 1.5
Set of 5 toy PVC figures, ¥300 each
©03/2004, Vice
The only difference between this collection and the originals is the color.
[Additional sample image.] |
PSE Solid Collection
Set of 5 toy PVC figures, ¥300 each
©2004, Alpha
This is a set of five Murata-designed collectible figures. Three are full figure characters and the other two are miniature busts based on his original illustrations. They are each 80-110mm in height and constructed of a PVC material. There are also special "ivory" variants, which are nothing more than white versions of each figure.
futurhythm bag
B4 size, ¥8400
©2004, WANIMAGAZINE Co., Ltd.
This special order WANI-distributed bag is intended to accompany the limited edition version of futurhythm. The exterior is made out of leather and it is closed shut with a zipper. The interior contains two large pockets for storage. This is a made to order item sold only through WANI's online shop and is manufactured by LAGASHA, the company behind the Postman Bag.
[Official information page.] |
Postman Bag
Special model [leather]: H288mm x W252mm x D90mm
Casual model [synthetic leather]: H266mm x W300mm x D90mm
The first mass-produced item designed by Range Murata is the Postman Bag. These bags, both the genuine leather and synthetic leather models, were handmade by LAGASHA, a bag manufacturer. The leather version comes in black while the synthetic version is available in both black and beige.
[Leather model] / [Zipper] |
0.5 Poster
B2 size
©2000, WANIMAGAZINE Co., Ltd.
Murata's illustrations of Takeo and Kazuo, as seen on the 0.5 Like a Balance Life slipcase, were blown up and printed on large poster sheets. These two posters were sold in hot pink tubes to match 0.5's color scheme. |
Telephone Card Book
©1999, WANIMAGAZINE Co., Ltd.
This is a set of two phone cards with artwork featured from Kairakuten magazine printed on them. The cards are housed in a hardcover book-style case with a mock phone dial on the top.
[Phone dial casing.] |
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