• tsukasa jun : doujin-soft contributions •
Gimmix is a series of fan-produced Macromedia Flash-based multimedia collections that are distributed on CD and via
download. Each contains several digital comics done in a special style, called Do! MANGA, which adds animation and sound
effects to the presentation. Also included with each are several interactive Flash "Hot Click" er, gimmicks, each with
its own female character, each done by a different author. Tsukasa illustrated the cover for each of these, and the cover
character for each stars in the featured Hot Click. The entire collection is most definitely for adults only.
DLSite offers the issues for download (for the fee listed), but unfortunately
Gimmix is not available through the English version of the site.
ギミックス 03
Gimmix 03
Gimmix, 4/17/2004
Official Site
ギミックス 02
Gimmix 02
Gimmix, 11/17/2003
Official Site
ギミックス 01
Gimmix 01
Gimmix, 3/14/2003
This volume only features a cover and frontend illustration by Tsukasa that is not used in a Hot Click! section.
Official Site
ギミックス 00
Gimmix 00
Gimmix, 5/12/2002
Official Site
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